Personal Information Declaration

I provide the following authorisations to Ensure Recruitment, for use by Ensure Recruitment prior to, during or subsequent to any employment offered to me;

  1. I authorise the aforementioned referees to discuss the record of my employment
  2. I authorise Ensure Recruitment to secure employment on my behalf and grant permission to forward my resume and work eligibility to appropriate employers
  3. I authorise the company to obtain and hold such personal, information about me as Ensure Recruitment may require (unless directed otherwise by me)
  4. I acknowledge that I have been made aware of my right to access, and correct any personal information held by Ensure Recruitment (other than information collected from a verbal reference), and that it will be made available on request.
  5. Ensure Recruitment will take such steps as are necessary to ensure that the information is accurate, current, complete and not misleading and that the accuracy of information is confirmed prior to being used.
  6. I acknowledge that I have no pre existing medical conditions which may affect my ability to fulfil the requirements of any roles that I am applying for, or generally seeking. I understand that any false information given in relation to any medical matters may result in my loss of entitlement for any compensation of ACC.
  7. I also understand that if any false or deliberately misleading information is given, or material fact is suppressed from this application or my CV, I will not be accepted for employment by clients that Ensure Recruitment is an agent on behalf of or if I am employed, this employment may be terminated forthwith.
  8. I also accept that any information I provide, including information such as criminal & traffic convictions, medical, security checking & other business activities may be forwarded to the client(s) that Ensure Recruitment is an agent on behalf of.
  9. As a declaration of truth, I declare that, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, I have provided truthful and accurate information in each part of this registration form.

Credit Check Consent

I understand that the position which I have applied for involves significant financial risk and I therefore authorise the following;*

  1. Veda to give you information about me for the purpose of a pre-employment check for a position involving significant financial risk;
  2. You to give my personal information to Veda, and that I agree that Veda will hold that information on their systems and use it to provide their credit reporting service.
  3. When other Veda customers use the Veda credit reporting service, Veda may give the information to those customers.
  4. Information is available on Veda Advantage website to help explain the purpose for which they collect information related to credit reporting, and the purposes for which they use and disclose that information. This can be found on
  5. I am entitled to contact Veda Advantage to access my personal credit information, and if it is incorrect, I may request correction. To contact Veda Advantage, I should visit their website at or write to Veda Advantage at Private Bag 92156, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142.